Hmmm, what it could be?? Vitamins, zinc, fish oil tabs, nah, I'm not talking about that folks,here I'm considering much more.. Mental, emotional dose, relations, friendships, people we meet and why we meet people we meet in our day to day life...
Anybody wondered why do we meet different people?? what role they have to play ?? what might be the motive??
Is it preplanned or just happen randomly?? Sometimes we do go looking for them but most of the time it just happens..
We meet them on every part ,every mode of our life.. Some becomes life long friends,yeah BFF,duh... Some vanish in the wave of time, some people stay with us, that's your family ,
some leave you for ever and some you just forget that you even met them...
I always find it so amusing when I meet someone new.. Its not something unusual when the world shelters billions of humans.. But still I wonder why do we meet certain people in our lives?Why do our paths sometimes cross with people that we never could have imagined even existed? How can we know if such people are just passers-by in our lives or if they will be there to stay and have a big impact on us and even change our lives forever?
It is my personal belief that Everything is planned and everything has a reason for happening!I may be wrong..There are many reasons.
Some people are just scenery in the background, like extras in a movie.
Any kind of human connections, big or tiny, can makes us who we are. I thought about, if I didn't meet or talk to this person, could I be a different person at this very minute?...Most likely, yes. What it means when we share our lives with certain people then too our lives are blossoming into a happy life.
Some come into our lives to cause trouble or pain. Some are there to meet our physical, spiritual or emotional needs. Some are there to love and treasure us. Some to teach us a lesson.
Yeah there have been moments where I just think now I know why I was meant to be in this person's life/have this person in my life. Its really strange.
Most people have a purpose for being in our lives and might even have multiple purposes.
Sometimes we want to hold on to people, but sometimes they're meant to pass through our lives. Over time it becomes clear if they are short-term or longer-term fixtures in your life. We can let others influence us, but it is ultimately up to us whether our lives change forever.
And by saying all of this I don't mean that Just because we find some people exciting or interesting doesn't mean there is some mysterious connection or divine intervention at work. Nope, that's just too much .. We invite people to come into our lives because we think they might prove to be good friends.
We want to be around certain people because we like their company: when our vibrations interact, they strike a pleasing chord. Am I getting little too much musical here??
It's also human nature for us to want everyone to like us and feel affection for us.
But still I am almost convinced that the people we meet have a role to play in our lives and it is in no way a random thing. Everyone we know now was a stranger at some time. Absolute stranger. Even best friends were strangers once.
Have you sometimes thought on the same lines? If yes, I would be happy to hear your experiences.please leave a comment below and share your thoughts..
I strongly support your thought.
ReplyDeleteTo me, a person is like a book!
So, more you read a person, more the live story gets interesting.
More the books in your shelf, more wonderful life you live.
You choose some books for your shelf, because you like them.
You chose some books for yourself, because somebody else has praised them.
You ought to have some books, because you may have to study them... Willingly or not!
You pick some books sometimes, but not enjoy much and still they reside in your shelf somewhere.
You like to read some books often and every time you read them, you get deeper and deeper.
Some books remain unnoticed forever.
Irrespective of author (origin), publisher (background), distributor (one who introduced you to the 'book'), price (standard), paper quality (community), size; these books make impact on our lives!
And most importantly, every book has some reason, opinion, motive behind its existence. So, no book can have 'no meaning' in our lives.
If I extend my comment beyond, it would be writing a blog in your blogging area. You know, some books are too expressive that they may appear boring... :-)
Well! In "short", I second your opinion thoroughly...
I agree to what you have written....people come in to our lives for a purpose. I think some people whom we meet even once can leave a long term effect on you.
ReplyDeleteIts the same when we touch someone's life...maybe we are there to teach the other person something they lack.
You have written quite a thought provoking post.
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